- In order to place your order, please email sales@novotechnutra.com, call 805-676-1098, or contact your sales representative.
- TheMOQ (minimum order quantity) on the product list applies to all domestic customers, based in the USA.
- The MOQ (minimum order quantity) for all international customers, residing outside of the USA, is 100 kg per item.
- For all customers, certain products and custom items may have higher MOQs of 250 kg or 500 kg per item. Please refer to the product list for more details.
- Shipping terms accepted include Ex-Works (EXW=Ventura, CA), CIF Ocean, and CIF Air.
- Requests for same day delivery will be charged a $50 rush fee.
- Payment Options: All new customers must pay orders in advance by check, credit card (2% processing fee applies), Paypal or wire transfer.
- Domestic Customers:Domestic customers are eligible to apply for credit with Novotech after placing three (3) orders. Please email your sales representative for a credit application and further instructions.
- International Customers: International customers may be eligible for credit on a case-by-case basis.
- For orders of 250 kg or below, a pallet fee of $30 will be added. If no pallet is required, the fee will be waived.
- To purchase small quantities for trial purposes, please visit Novotech Nutrition .
- Shipping Method: ou can either pay for USPS online shipping (USPS shipping transit may be long for international customers) or you can provide your DHL, UPS, or Fedex account number for faster delivery. If you decide to use your own courier account, please select the “pick up instore/provide courier account” when checking out and add your account number in the notes section.
- A standard 30-gram sample may be requested for evaluation and testing purposes. Please email sales@novotechnutra.com or contact your sales representative to request a sample.
- Larger samples may be provided on a case-by-case basis.
- Customers are required to pay for shipping by providing a courier account, sending a shipping label, or paying for the shipping fee with credit card.